What To Do With Spent Grains

Confession:  I’m a tree hugging environmentalist at heart and try to reuse or recycle as much as possible.  I don’t throw away trub or spent grains from brewing.  So, what can be done with the “waste” from brewing?   I thought I’d list some ideas that either I do myself or have read about.  I realize not everyone will have the option of following some of the suggestions here but maybe you have an alternative you’d like to share!


After a brew session I dump the hot break and hops sediment in the compost pile or down the toilet.  I don’t recommend the toilet unless you have a septic system.  Another word of warning is that hops (probably in sizeable amounts) are toxic to dogs and possibly cats.  You probably don’t want your pets eating your compost pile to begin with, but be aware of that additional concern when dumping brewing waste.  If you have other pets or livestock, do a little research.  While looking up the info on dogs, I came across some articles saying that hops are good for chickens.

The same can be done with the trub/lees sediment after fermentation.  In fact, many with septic systems claim it’s good to dump the yeast into the system.  My overactive imagination sometimes wonders what kind of crazy yeast mutations are going on in the septic, though.  I could be developing a new form of life and not even know it.

swamp thing
Septic Thing

Spent Grains:

The spent grains have far more potential for a second life than trub.  If you can’t use them immediately then put them in a plastic bag, squeeze the air out, and freeze.  Here are a few ideas that I’ll add to over time because I’m sure there are more possibilities out there.

  • The easiest thing to do is spread them on your yard as fertilizer (or, again, into the compost).
  • Livestock love spent grains, although certain animals should only be given small amounts.
    • Trade grains to someone with chickens in exchange for fresh eggs.
  • Donate it to a zoo or animal sanctuary.
  • Use it in cooking for people.  This is mostly what I do, well…I give it to my family members who cook.
  • Dog treats!
  • Make soap.

Any other ideas?  I’d love to hear about more options.

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