Kegging Wine Coolers Part 2

This post comes much later than I expected but I wanted to follow up with this post.  Due to a family move, the party I planned to serve this Strawberry “wine cooler” at didn’t happen.  Then other life stuff happened. 

Ah, Caribou Slobber….

If you purchase a beginner’s kit from a home brewing supply shop, you’ll likely get to choose from a few recipes to be included as your first brew.  I purchased my kit from Northern Brewer and chose Caribou Slobber.  It’s considered a clone of Moose Drool by Big Sky Brewing.  I had one taste tester

My First Time

Is it a time of ecstatic triumph or a chaotic train wreck?  Probably a little of everything. Before you get started with your first attempt at brewing, I’ll just share a slice of wisdom from one of the greats:  Relax.  Don’t Worry.  Have a Homebrew. (or RDWHAHB)

What To Do With Spent Grains

Confession:  I’m a tree hugging environmentalist at heart and try to reuse or recycle as much as possible.  I don’t throw away trub or spent grains from brewing.  So, what can be done with the “waste” from brewing?   I thought I’d list some ideas that either I do myself or have read about.  I

Timing Your Brew Sessions

This is actually really simple, but it’s something I often run in to.  Beer takes time to brew.  The yeast are going to do their thing at their own pace.  There are ways you can speed them up or slow them down but those methods could have adverse affects on the flavor of your beer. 

Is Homebrewing Difficult?

Quick answer:  No! I’d often thought about trying to brew beer over the years.  It just seemed cool.  Then I’d see these pictures of big stainless steel contraptions with hoses and dials everywhere and it looked very complicated and expensive.  Then I’d read about how you have to “sterilize” everything and basically need to work

Extract Or All-Grain Brewing?

This is a topic of great debate among home brewers.  My opinion is that both serve their purpose and both methods can create excellent beer.  Plenty of extract brewers have won awards in competitions, even against all-grain brews.  I know guys who have been brewing extract since the 1980s. Some people may be living in

Kegging Wine Coolers

Something that really motivates me to brew is an event.  There’s a birthday party coming up and I’m going to take some kegs of beer.  One of the hardest parts about brewing is timing.  I wanted to attempt a wine for this party but didn’t have enough leeway by time I came up with that

Basic Brewing Equipment

Homebrewing equipment covers a whole spectrum from super frugal to super expensive.  I tried to take the frugal route when I started brewing and after a few batches I realized I overspent.  This post is going to take you through the bare minimum equipment you need to get going for 5 gallon extract brewing with