Month: July 2018

Ah, Caribou Slobber….

If you purchase a beginner’s kit from a home brewing supply shop, you’ll likely get to choose from a few recipes to be included as your first brew.  I purchased my kit from Northern Brewer and chose Caribou Slobber.  It’s considered a clone of Moose Drool by Big Sky Brewing.  I had one taste tester

My First Time

Is it a time of ecstatic triumph or a chaotic train wreck?  Probably a little of everything. Before you get started with your first attempt at brewing, I’ll just share a slice of wisdom from one of the greats:  Relax.  Don’t Worry.  Have a Homebrew. (or RDWHAHB)

What To Do With Spent Grains

Confession:  I’m a tree hugging environmentalist at heart and try to reuse or recycle as much as possible.  I don’t throw away trub or spent grains from brewing.  So, what can be done with the “waste” from brewing?   I thought I’d list some ideas that either I do myself or have read about.  I